Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fellow Blogger CATHERINE!!

This is Catherine, a fellow blogger from Australia! Everybody say G'DAY CATHERINE!! (G'day Catherine!!) Catherine is better known to the blogger world as "Mum-me Half Dozen". You read that right, she is the mother of six kids and is therefore never ever bored. Her blog is always a fun and interesting read as she captures the fun and mayhem of raising a dozen kids.

And now the part you have all been waiting for! The interview!

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional. with whom would it be?

I'd trade places with a rich, upper class lady from Jane Austen's era. I think it would be fun - for a week!

If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?

That's easy - I'd be Superman (or woman) because I always wanted to be able to fly. The super strength and x-ray vision would come in handy too.

What was the most interesting thing that has happened to you in the last seven days?

Climbing Mount Tomaree at Port Stephens, Australia was pretty interesting. Other words also come to mind to describe this hike - words like exhausting, back-breaking and torturous, but it was also interesting.

If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

"0 - 6 in 10 years"

If I take a look inside your refrigerator, what would I find?

Lots of bottles of sauce, jars of condiments, and always, always, ALWAYS some left over icing from somebody's birthday cake.

Friday, July 2, 2010

My Friend ASHLEY!!

This is my friend, Ashley! Everybody say HI ASHLEY!! (Hi Ashley!!) Ashley is one of my bestest buddies at HBU and is lucky enough to be my first interview! If you wanna get to know her more than what my interview covers (and you know you want to!), check out her blog!!

Okay! On with the interview!

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional. with whom would it be?

Mother Teresa

If you could be a superhero, what would you want your superpowers to be?

I would read minds.

What was the most interesting thing that has happened to you in the last seven days?

I'm on REC team, interesting stuff happens on a daily basis.

If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

Ashley Davis: A Memoir

If I take a look inside your refrigerator, what would I find?

Cranberry-Strawberry Juice & a 1/2 eaten Snickers bar.


I am running out of ideas on what to do for my blog, so I have decided to interview other bloggers and some other random friends, and help you get to know them better!! Stay tuned for interviews!

PS: If you want to be interviewed, just shoot me an e-mail at kldoss89@gmail.com!!

Back on the Face of the Earth

Yes, I realize I have been gone a long time. A REALLY long time. I gave up on my own blog a while back and stuck to just stalking other people via their blogs. But I have decided to get back into the blog frenzy for the same reason I started one in the first place: I am sick of having to explain to every single person what is going on in my life.

So.... UPDATES!!

I am home for the summer. Where is home, you might ask? Well, right now I call home "La Marque" but being a college student, home is constantly changing. I think a part of me will forever call Houston home now, even if I've only lived there three years. Something about getting your first apartment (and your second apartment...) that changes your way of thinking. So long story short, being a college student has forever voided my ideas on where and what home is. I don't even know if you can call La Marque my home seeing as every time I am here, I am either living out of a laundry basket (weekend visits) or boxes (summer, aka now).

Plans for the summer? Right now, my entire summer is revolving around the youth group and babysitting. We just got back from YEC in Dallas (YEC=Youth Evangelism Conference) last weekend. That was my first official taste of spending more than a few hours with this particular set of youth before camp. It's going to be a fuuuuun summer, haha! I love them all to death, so any shenanogans they pull will be well worth putting up with! (And yes I totally used a word like shenanogans! Be quiet! It's my blog! I can use whatever outdated words I want!) They are a fun group, but the really enjoy keeping me on my toes!

Oooh!! More exciting news!! I got my hair cut yesterday, but also got it curled! This is great seeing as it takes me about three minutes to fix my hair the way I want it, but if you look, it looks like I spent hours! WIN! It's been curly several times in my life, but normally I get sick of it after about a year and go back to straight, so we will see where I am this time next summer...

I think for now, that is pretty much my update. I'm sure more stuff has been going on, but I just can't think of anything else right now. Toodles!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Just ignore the date this was posted and enjoy the pics! :D

"Go on Kelli, open it."

Daniel pretending to ignore what's going on next to him.

Showing the ring off.

Kelli's promise ring (and feet).

Kelli and Daniel

Opened her gift from Michael and Julia and was no longer interested in any of her other gifts.

My nieces first Christmas!! (I think Kayla is on the left and Krystal is on the right!)

Not Christmas, but Kelli's birthday present from Lilli. And in case you can't tell, she decorated the frame and drew the tree by herself. Apparently parents enjoy stuff that serves no general purpose if it is given to them by their kids (memories of a million and one macaroni necklaces...)