Monday, October 5, 2009

In The Beginning...

Well, okay this isn't exactly the beginning of my blog per se. But I deleted my old posts from years past and decided to start fresh. I mainly want to use this blog to keep family and friends updated that I don't get to see every day. And who knows? Maybe one day I will be able to look back on my old posts and laugh at the interesting situations life likes to throw at me.



Today has been a very good day for me. I have been more productive today than I have in a long time. During my week long bout with the flu last week, I had no desier to continue with my my normal household routines, such as cleaning and paying bills. Unfortunately, life does not stop when one is sick. So when I woke up this morning, you can imagine my surprise when I realized just how much I had to do today. But I managed to eat breakfast at a relatively early hour and get started. I spent the better part of the morning doing dishes and contemplating the whole theory. I cannot stress enough how annoying and discouraging it is to do dishes in the morning, and watch as the day brings new meals to cook and more dishes to get dirty. So at the end of the day, I am back to where I started in the morning. How does that happen with only two people in the apartment? Why do we go through so many dishes that we are forced to wash them twice a day just so our kitchen doesn't look like a mess? After I was done trying to make sense of such logic, I managed to finish rest of my chores on my to do list.

But instead of feeling satisfied like I normally do when I accomplish another morning's work, I am left to wonder what in the world has happened to my life where I can spend twenty minutes thinking about these things, like the woes of dishes, and be relatively entertained by doing so? Has my life really deminished to such lows? Have I really let myself get the point that my day is deemed as excellent if I find a new chicken recepe I can cook? Or have a heated debate on the benefits of a broom vs. swiffer? Or spend 20 minutes figuring out if you actually save money getting the cheaper paper towels if it takes five of them to clean your kitchen surfaces as opposed to two of the expensive brand? Or felt a deep sense of adoration every time I pull down my crock pot, which has become my new favorite kitchen appliance? That's right! I have a favorite kitchen appliance!! Let that sink in for a minute. What's wrong with me??

Even as I sit here writing this, I am looking at our shopping list and trying to figure out what we need of the list before I get paid Friday, and what we can live without until then. This is only one of the many things that run through my mind every day. I used to love winging through life, taking things one day at a time. But then I saw how much money I spend that I could save if I plan things out. But at what cost? Having the role and responsibilities of a domesticated housewife at age twenty...

Yay me...

And I never went to the post office today. Dang it! Never assume your day is done when you are trying to keep a house (or in this case, apartment) running smoothly.

Until next time...


  1. Oh you entertain me so! Now you can understand why us mom's seem to lose it when no one helps around the house, and eveything is left on our shoulders to complete. I totally understand your dish/kitchen issues....I often wonder the same thing myself. I have to keep telling myself that those who actually live in their house/apartment and work/go to school full time understand that it's almost impossible to keep it clean without a full time MAID! Especially with rugrats....their life's goal is to stress MOM out. HAHA, but you love them anyway! never cease to crack me up...

  2. Hmmmm... it eated my other comment...

    But anyway, glad to see you here in Blog-ville and I look forward very much to reading your humor and stealing your good blog ideas :)

